This beautiful girl is Luna, she is 10 months old and as healthy as a horse! However, it was a very different story when she was just 6 weeks old, and she and her litter mates spent 8 days at the clinic receiving intensive treatment for Parvovirus infection.
Parvo is a highly contagious virus that is passed in the faeces of infected animals and can survive in the environment for long periods of time. Parvo is typically seen in young unvaccinated puppies, but can infect dogs of any age. Dogs affected by Parvo become gravely ill with symptoms including severe bloody diarrhoea, vomiting and depression. Treatment of Parvovirus is possible, but unfortunately does not have a high success rate and can be expensive due to the aggressive treatment, intensive nursing care and quarantine procedures required.
Vaccinating your dog against Parvo is the most effective form of protection. A full vaccination schedule will protect against Parvovirus as well at Distemper, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza and Kennel Cough.
Puppies should have three vaccinations,
If you think your dog is due (or overdue) for their vaccination, don’t hesitate to give us a call at the clinic.